
Morning to night

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One is the essence that binds us all

Boulevard of broken dreams, nothing is at though it seems.  And I don't even love you at all, now I just let go and fall.  Take me to a better place, I go through this pain to face.  A loving direction and call, I take my first step, it's small.  I want to uproot my life and change, because I've ended up feeling strange.  A stranger in my own life, a stranger in my own life.  I take my time to contemplate, I stand in front my inner gate.  A portal into my heart and soul, I start to feel blessed and hear my call.  Send this vibration to space, uplift the whole human race.  In this field of forgiveness and grace, I feel at home in this place.  Through the challenges I had to face, I feel empowered  Trust in yourself and your strong heart steps forth  Mind body and soul, all in accord  Agree with your heartmind body and soul  You are a survivor, a king, a whole  Generous, gracious, not greedy at all  Let it al...

6.0 - Emergent paths

Dreams within dreams of dreams.  Profound humanity, gentle awareness and open conversation.  I'm rebooting this blog, not to prove anything, cause I already exist.  I create, within my own rhythm, I take my time and appreciate.   We are a people of one nation, humanity.  Truth is emergent in all of us. I'm telling this to myself, because I want to create awareness for myself of what I will be and what I'll become.  But mainly to remember who I always was, am and will be.

5.0 - Theoretical framework

Please click on this post for a full view of the theoretical framework for this project, this includes the finished paper from 2017.

4.1 - Redefining overall structure

As seen in this updated mindmap below, there is a lot going on internally when making music, but there also is emotional influence of the listener, either intended or not, by the maker. This makes for a more wholesome structure of the research field and includes all the different parts that make music in itself an interesting thing to study.  When looking into the technical details of making an artificial music generator there is a part which analyses data, implements learned details (which melodic and song structure are made up of)  and the actual generator part which uses the aforementioned learned details and rules to generate music.  In a set up with GANs there is the possibility to generate more data with the encoder, while the decoder is fed this information to discriminate between. The encoder is therefore atuned to generate different types of subsets and learns better what the difference with the original data set is. The sequential aspect of music ma...

4.0 - More data, more data!

Good gracious, I just found some more data, the Nottingham Database , which is a collection of  ABC formatted music files. This format can be put into MIDI format and vice versa. Of course I'm facing a problem, first of all, the specific data I want, MIDI with a lot of different genres, is not widely available. Therefore I have a couple of options: Try to train on actual MP3/OGG/WAV/FLAC music files, which is going to take forever. Although the FMA data set offers 30s samples of the whole collection of songs.  NSynth is a collection of single instruments, which is mostly suitable for synthesizing intstruments and not especially for generating songs/music.  The Nottingham Database, an ABC formatted data base. The most suitable solution comes in the ABC formatted database, there is more to find and I'm currently tracking down more data. However, there are some caveits along the way. I have found papers using all of these data sets, therefore it is very likely t...