3.1 - Theoretical background

I'm currently working hard on finishing my theoretical part while building my model. Therefore I haven't been updating the blog for a while. The deadline is not too far away, and it is key that I fully focus in these last days. Looking at all the work that goes into reading up on the state of the art, while already implementing models that might turn out to be a bad bet in the end.

 My next update will hold the main part of my theoretical background, while I'll start giving details of my implementation as well, as this is currently a private github repo, I haven't decided yet on open sourcing the software that comes forth from the project, but that depends fully on the final product.

Lens model as adapted from (Aljanaki, 2017) 

During my digging sessions I found a composer/performer and listener model that cought my interest, without the inner math, this is quite the nice model for conveying emotion through certain aspects of music to a listener. One could think that this model can be a basic working of two GAN's that compete with each other trying to send messages (emotions) through and from each other, while interpreting each other's signals.


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